Monday, March 1, 2010

Short skirts and ankle weights???? WTF?!

So today I was a little hungry and decided to go to the neighborhood McDonald's. I took the drive-thru because in MOST cases it's quicker than getting out my car and walking in. (That and I'm just lazy.) Anyway, I pulled up to the intercom and ordered (#4: Big and Tasty add cheese.) The little drive-thru person told me my total and I pulled around. She met me with a smile (a rarity in today's customer service, I find.) I handed her my $20 bill and she proceeded to count my change. All of a sudden she spoke:
".......and her ankle weights?" I didn't realize what she was saying till the end of her sentence. And hearing the words "ankle weights" both caught my attention as well as threw me completely off.
"Uh..." I began, completely bewildered. Then I realized that someone could be on the intercom behind me. I looked back, no one, then I turned back and realized she was starring at me in anticipation. Apparently what she asked wasn't rhetorical and demanded my response. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Does she says 'my short skirts and ankles weights?'" The girl responded. All I was wondering was, who the hell is "she"?
"Excuse me, but......what are we talking about?"
"Nicki Minaj." Nicki....Minaj? I know who she is, but never made an effort to listen to her music. Not that I'm knocking the girl, her music just isn't something that appeals to me, I guess. "Yeah in her song she's saying 'my short skirts and ankle weights' right?"
My eyes widen as I try to recall any song I heard with those lyrics. Nothing came to mind. "Um, your guess is as good as mine....." I shrugged.
"Well, that's the only thing that makes sense, 'cause in the song she's talking about her clothes....." All I'm thinking in the back of my head is, what the deuce does this have to do with my Big and Tasty with added cheese? How did we get from handing me my change to Nicki Minaj. It was the strangest thing. So being fully confused and ignorant about the subject, I resorted to my tried and true method of smiling and nodding.
She continued for another 10-15 seconds as I offer her polite yet generic answers: "Yeah!" "Uh huh." "Really?" Then she finally handed me my money.
"I don't know. I'm just gonna keep saying that till someone corrects me..." Well that person correcting you is definitely is not gonna be me (lol.) I nodded, told her I was horrible at lyrics and slowly yet awkwardly pulled off to the next window.
I guess there's no real point to this post except for the fact that I am urging you all to not start conversations in the middle. That conversation could of been so much more efficient had I had a preface to what the conversation was about. A preface being:
MD: "You listen to Nicki Minaj?"
ME: "No, I can't say that I do."
MD: "Oh that's too bad 'cause I was going to ask you about some lyrics."
You see. Countless seconds of my life could of been spared. I wouldn't have to pretend to know about Nicki just to be cordial. And she would of been spared my bs of "knowing" about Nicki, lol.
All in all, I enjoyed the drive-thru girl's efforts to hold a conversation outside of "What can I get you today?" and "Your total is..." It was really nice. But next time you might wanna give someone a heads up of what your conversation is about. Don't just assume they know what you're talking about. LOL

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