Monday, March 1, 2010

Paths Untraveled

URG! It seems as though this long winding path is leading to nowhere. I've been traveling down this path for sometime now, I started about 10:45 this morning and now 1 o' clock is vastly approaching. This road is remarkably similar to the Yellow Brick Road from the Wizard of Oz. It has Golden Bricks that serpentine for what seems like forever. Ultimately this golden river ends with a spectacular valley that exuded blissful eternity. A very astonishing site, indeed. However, astonishing or not, my feet have started to kill me and I'm practically starving. Although I am slightly irritating at these minor inconviences I'm having, I delight in the fact that I'm not alone on this path. I am accompanied by several close associates and the path is swarming with other individuals. These individuals along with my associates and I all share a common interest, to get to the end of this path as soon as possible. Allegedly this path leads to an area of sheer comfort and stability. Once you've reached the end of this path you need not worry about the everyday problems of the world. You can just relax and bask in the luminous rays of the sun, without a care in the world.....

........ So I've been told at least, particularly by all my elders. My elders mostly consisting of individuals who throughout their lifetime did not have (or take) the opportunity to travel down this path and now take it upon themselves to motivate the next generation to travel down it. You should hear how they talk about this path, it's like they romanticize, no, glorify its existence. To them, it is a sure passageway to peace, clarity and happiness. A pilgrimage to Mecca, if you will. Seeing them have such confidence and enthusiasm about this path and what it could offer me gave me the incentive to begin the journey down this path.

Their confidence and enthusiasm gave me the incentive to begin this journey, but it did not provide me with the will to continue that journey once started. The journey grew dull and listless within the first half-hour of my journey. The path just continued to wind and wind and wind and there were so many obstacles that seemed to be superfluous and, quite frankly, unnecessary. In all honesty, I would have turned around and went back long ago had it not been for my traveling companions. They provided me with support and ultimately the will to go on. And I, as a sign of gratitude, returned the gesture as best I could whenever one of them felt weak.

Several times during my excursion down this path I have watch others diverge from this path into, as far as I know, the unknown. You see, all throughout this path there's these little trails that branched of from the main path that I am taking. Some of these trails are paved where as others have been forged by dozen of individuals making there own way. Some trails have a certain allure to them, where as others you wouldn't want to get anywhere near them. Ultimately, these trails deviated from the main path that I am suppose to travel, and no matter how attractive or unattractive they appeared, to travel them is not an option. It's fascinating to see so many individuals leave the security of this path to pursue, Lord knows what on these trails! A few of my traveling companions almost made the decision to venture down one of these unknown paths, stating that it could be fun, "an opportunity for adventure" they said. Luckily enough, I provided sound logic as to why we shouldn't travel down the trail and they reluctantly agreed. And thus we continue down the main path.

....... It's now 1:15 and I am beyond exhausted. I just got to take a moment to recollect. I sit to the side of the path and inform my associates to go ahead and I will catch up with them later. They look at me with concern and ask if I was sure that I wanted them to go ahead. I affirm that I'm okay with it and they can go on. I watch them go down the path until they disappear from my site. I sit and feel myself regain strength and energy. I'm ready to continue. The good news is it would seem that I can see the end of the path, I'm almost there! I stand to my feet and begin to make a step when I am overcome by the urge to look to my right. I want to ignore this urge and just continue down this path, I've come to far to be side tracked now. But my body won't move, I’m paralyzed. My body is so rigid, it's like some force has bounded me from my shoulders down and the only luxury it is allowing me is my ability to look to my right. I cautiously look to my right and hope that my obedience will allow me to have free will over my body again. I see this light, this amazing wonderful light that beckons to me. I'm lost in it. As I gaze into it, a sense of warmth envelops me, I become anxious, I want to see where it's coming from. I'm so taken by this light that I haven't realized that I once again have control of my body.

My first act as my own woman again is to look back towards the paths end. I see people there. They seem happy enough there. But now I'm questioning whether or not I would truly be happy there. The once so promising valley that I had devoted my efforts to seemed lackluster in comparison to my new destination. I see my traveling companions and notice that they are smiling beckoning me to come to the paths end. I'm just not ready to go there now that I've seen this light. I can't explain it, I see the valley and it seems to be all good and fine for everyone else, but this light, there is something about it that signifies that it is meant especially for me, only for me. If I didn't seek it out, it would go to waste. I can't have that, whatever that light is I've gotta retrieve it and share it's wonderful nature with the rest of the world.

Convinced that this is something that only I can retrieve, I foolishly extend my right foot to step off the path and onto this trail that I haven't even bothered to take a look at. The ground of the trail crumbles beneath my foot, I immediately lose my footing, slip and try to regain my composure on the main path. I am confused, to say the least. I finally look at the trail that is suppose to lead me to the light and instantly become terrified. Out of all of the trails that deviated from this path that I've seen, this one is by far the most dangerous. The trail runs along side an incredibly high and treacherous mountain. The trail had to be the most narrow passage I've ever come across, and the edges of the trail were so brittle that they would crumble if any pressure was applied. *Hence that's why I lost my footing when I first stepped out.*

Needless to say, I'm scarred shitless. I look over my shoulder to the valley where my companions are watching with panic and alarm on their face. They are frantically trying to get my attention so they can convince me to come and join them. Looking at them and looking back at this worrisome piece of terrain in front of me made me think:

If I head towards the valley, I will undoubtedly reach it with minimal hardship, if I were to trip on this broad road, it would be nothing for me to get up dust myself off and continue. However, with this "light trail" saying that I will face maximum hardships is a gross understatement. If I were to trip there's no guarantees that I will get up... All throughout this journey down this main path, I've had company. People surrounding me everywhere I go. But on this mountain trail, there's only room for one, I have to travel alone. With the valley I know what awaits me: comfort, clarity and stability. As far as that light goes, it could be so much more than just comfort, clarity and stability. It could probably offer fulfillment, excitement contentment! Then again, it could be my eminent doom..... I know one thing is for sure, regardless if this "light entity" is a friend or foe, it is obvious the light is my destiny. So what am I to do??? Take easy street to a place of complacency or to weather the dangers and uncertainties of the trail in front of me.

The answer is obvious... I breath in deep, square my shoulders, extend my right foot out and.................

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